
Paris France My favorite City

I just returned from Europe where I had a chance to see what was going on with the threat of ISIL and the returning citizens who have been trained in the ISIL camps. They are taking it seriously.

We talk a lot about Europe and its socialist government approach and wonder what is wrong with them, but in fighting crime and terrorism they are more advanced then us in many ways. Many years ago a friend at the French National Police told me the best thing about having a socialist government in power was after 4 years the people saw them for what they were and kicked them out for another 50 years.

Hopefully our response will be the same in 2016 since we have had 8 years of destruction. The response of the current administration in Washington is reminiscent of the 70 and 80’s in Europe as they fought the rise of terrorism. The new socialist were in power and they thought if they were just nice and appeased all the radicals they would then like them and all would live happily ever after.

That socialist approach didn’t work out to well for the countries of Europe for the radicals took the approach of the socialist armatures who were in power as weakness and they struck with a vengeance with blood running deep on the streets of Europe. It came to a head with 12 bombs in one day in Paris in 1986 and finally the people rose up and demanded a new government and approach. A new government with the backing of the people soon stopped the terrorist. They untied the hands of law enforcement that the former naive government had put on them, without thinking about what was political correct.

The big question is “What will it take for the change needed here?” Blood of citizens running deep on our streets? I hope not.

But in fighting crime and terrorism the European agencies don’t have to deal with what is political correct they go do what needs to be done. Many of the countries have much stronger laws for the police to act on to prevent terrorist attacks then we do.

Officials in Europe are very concerned about their returning citizens who have been trained by ISIL. They are taking actions that our officials say they can’t do. They are identifying those trained. They are flagging them in their systems and pulling passports. They are running to ground all family and associates of these individuals to see if they are connected to terrorist activity. When they find any thing that might link them to terrorism they detain them until they are charged or cleared. They are not waiting for bodies in the street.

As I watch the actions coming from Washington that continue to show weakness and the miss guided policies that embolden the terrorist and expose us all to potential terrorist violence.

Lets become active before the blood is running in our streets. Lets learn from the Socialist failures of Europe and their eliminating preventive law enforcement by rising up and demanding our elected officials make the needed changes to keep us safe.

Until Next time Be Safe.







imagesOne of the many images as Saudi Arabia deports millions over the last months.

Most countries when faced with issues of illegals in their country see it for the threat that it is. There are many potential threats from having people in your country when you don’t know who they are and where they are at.

The first and most important threat is criminal or in this day and age terrorism, then comes the common criminal, then all the economic threats from lost jobs and under ground black market. In some of the countries such as Saudi there is the threat of government overthrow.

As we look at how Saudi reacted when they realized they had a major problem to how our government is acting. Saudi has millions of guest workers and they have tight controls over the process and after they come to the country. But even with this tight guest worker program last year they realized they had millions who were in the country illegally so they decided to act.

They realized not to act or to provide deferred amnesty, as the president proposes to do here was not an option or them. The threat to their national security and the future of their country was at stake so they took actions to bring protection to their country while at the same time protecting legal guest workers which they need desperately. You can have both secure borders and a guess worker program.

They made an announcement to all the country giving all workers in the country 5 months to report themselves and obtain legal work status. As this was progressing they set in motion the security protocol to deal with any who didn’t. Hundreds of thousands did turn themselves in but many more didn’t even though Saudi extended it for 4 more months to give them time.

The Saudi’s approach was humane and fair and gave all the time to become legal. Many through chose not to but in this case Saudi, unlike the U.S., drew the red line in sand and when the time expired they started the round up of hundreds of thousands and deported them. The equivalent in a country our size in relation to Saudi would be millions deported.  Saudi has found a way to balanced their acute need for expat workers with the security of their country and having secure borders.

The results of this action also has sent the message to all who would try to slip into the country illegal and stay that you will be caught and expelled.

I realize we are a country of immigrants, I am one, but it has to be legal immigrants. What has happen to our arms of compassion to the world? The bad guys who want to over throws our way of life is using the free entry that we now have agaisnt us and if they should gain power be sure they will quickly seal the borders.

The recent disclosures about the deception and lies around Obama care show how the elites in power in Washington think they are smarter then all the rest of us including other countries who we could learn from.

From a security stand point our country can never be safe and secure with out having secure and protected borders. Fortunately we still have the power to change the people in control in Washington and that is our only hope with now the new congress and in 2016 a new President who will take serious the need to first secure the border then over haul our immigration system.

Until next time Be Safe;




DATE LINE ISIL: 11-13-2014

DATE LINE ISIL: 11-13-2014



Rumors of al-Baghdadi the leader of ISIL being wounded or killed in an air attack seems to be unfounded with today’s rally cry he made to his supports world wide. In fact he is laying out his ground campaign and the countries he is going to target next he also challenges the US to send the best they have and he will defeat them.

Some of what he said follows: (He seems to be giving a state of the union address as to his accomplishments and future plans. Noted is the first target of Saudi Arabia and then announcing the additional countries who have sworn allegiance to him. If any one thinks he is going away or this is going to be a short fight they are very disillusioned.)

IN HIS WORDS: Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi called for attacks against the rulers of Saudi Arabia in a speech purported to be in his name on Thursday, saying his self-declared caliphate was expanding there and in four other Arab countries.

Al-Baghdadi also said a U.S.-led military campaign against his group in Syria and Iraq was failing and he called for “volcanoes of jihad” the world over.
According to US Military sources the recording appears to be al-Baghahi and means he survived the attack on ISIL leadership. Reports from Iraq commanders who had said he was wounded in a raid last Friday appears to be inaccurate as some in the past have been.

Al-Baghdadi urged supporters in Saudi Arabia, the world’s top oil exporter, to take the fight to the rulers of the kingdom, which has joined the U.S.-led coalition in mounting air strikes against the Islamic State group in Syria.
“O sons of al-Haramayn…the serpent’s head and the stronghold of the disease are there…draw your swords and divorce life, because there should be no security for the Saloul,” Baghdadi said, using a derogatory term to refer to the leadership of Saudi Arabia.

Haramayn is a reference to the two holiest places in Islam, both of them in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia has been massing thousands of troops on the border with Iraq as well as military support equipment and air assets since Islamic State began an offensive in Iraq in June.

The speech was not dated but carried a reference to a Nov. 7 U.S. announcement that President Barack Obama had approved sending up to 1,500 more U.S. troops to Iraq. Obama has said the United States aims to degrade and eventually destroy Islamic State.

Islamic State has seized swathes of Syria and Iraq and in June declared a caliphate over territory it controls. Baghdadi said he had accepted oaths of allegiance from supporters in Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Algeria.

“We announce to you the expansion of the Islamic State to new countries, to the countries of the Haramayn, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Algeria,” Baghdadi said.

Although supporters have pledged allegiance to Islamic State in countries including Lebanon, Pakistan and Afghanistan, Baghdadi singled out only those five states, picking countries where sympathizers have a strong base and could mount attacks.

He added, however: “Oh soldiers of the Islamic State…erupt volcanoes of jihad everywhere. Light the earth with fire against all dictators.”
Referring to U.S.-led military action against his group, Baghdadi said: “Despite this Crusade campaign being the most fierce and severe of all, it is the greatest failure.”

“We see America and its allies stumbling in fear, weakness, impotence and failure.”

Referring to Yemen, where Shi’ite Houthis captured the capital Sanaa in September, forcing the government to resign, he said: “Oh soldiers of Yemen…be harsh against the Houthis, they are infidels and apostates. Fight them and win against them.”

Baghdadi also congratulated supporters in Egypt’s Sinai for starting jihad against what he called the “dictators of Egypt”. He also urged supporters in Libya, Algeria and Morocco to prevent secular groups from ruling.

After Baghdadi’s speech, Egyptian militant group Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, which swore allegiance to Islamic state this week, changed its name to Sinai Province on the Twitter feed claiming to represent it.

He seems very up and positive but the question is will our president pick up the mantel he was given as leader of the free world and most powerful nation, and use it to quickly bring al-Baghdadi to his end.

Until next time Be Safe.







Servicemen salute as they stand amongst the ceramic poppies that form part of the art installation "Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red", during an Armistice Day ceremony at the Tower of London


On this Veteran’s Day it is a good time to reflect on why we have been a safe free country since our founding. Thank you to all who have served. It is also a good time to reflect on how we got to the present state of world affairs and how we can get our country and the world back on track.

Last weeks elections was a good start but there is more to be done. We must come to the understanding that it is only with superior knowledge and a robust military that we can survive in a violent world with different values then ours.

I have seen first hand the dismantling of effective preventive programs over the last six years that would have prevented many of the violent things going on around the world. Couple that with  a weak indecisive leader who is anti military and we are set up for the bad guys to take over where we have left a vacuum and they have done it in quick fashion.

Now to China today and with Mr. Putin in attendance. Putin didn’t seem overly concerned by his supposedly being sidelined with the sanctions that have been placed on him and Russia. In fact China and Russia are working together to destabilize the dollar and are buying up all the Gold they can get their hands on.  Mr Obama is playing with the “A team” who are playing him like a pawn. You could see the lack of respect from the Chinese officials and the president came off being  angry and sullen.

I posted about the terrorist being arrested in Peru setting up a terrorist cell to strike at Jewish targets and move terrorist to the U.S. through our porous southern border. But it wasn’t U.S. Intelligence out in front of this it was Israel’s Mossad who tipped off the Peruvian authorities and who are fully aware of the efforts to infiltrate our Southern Borders. Where are we? What is our Government thinking?

I have been in touch with our operatives in Mexico and further south and they say if the President enacts amnesty the assault on our borders will make the thousands of minors who came look small. The cartels and traffickers are already recruiting and taking deposits, they are that certain of the lack of understanding the President has.

I have wondered a lot about the motivation of the left and their utter disregard for our laws pushing to get millions of illegal’s legal. What is behind it and are they willing to sell the safety of Americans down the river to get a voting block to try and l keep them in power. What a dangerous game they are playing, and much of the world can see it but they are blinded with power in their eyes.

The administration actions on secret contacts with Iran has further damaged the relationship with allies and friends. Do they not understand the terms Sunni and Shiite and that they are battling each other. So we push Saudi Arabia into helping us strike ISIS who is Sunni, very radical, and then go to Saudi Arabia’s enemy Iran to try to make a deal with them on their Nuclear program to help us with ISIL and they are Shiite who are supporting Syria and Hezbollah both enemies of Saudi.

This is just the tip of the ice berg, its gets more mind boggling. Where are the experts on the Middle East in the administration or is it they just don’t care, for they march to their own drum beat.

Where is a robust neutral media digging out the facts and reporting to the American people. God help us and God Bless America.

Until next time be safe.






Muhammad Amadar suspected terrorist in Peru

Peruvian authorities arrested a man that they say belonged to Hezbollah and was reported planning attacks on Jewish targets.

The infrastructure that he was building was meant to be used for attacks against Western targets and for attempts to smuggle weaponry to the United States using some of the channels that for years have been built through Mexico to the United States.

Peruvian security forces found materials for the production of military-grade explosives, detonators, TNT explosives and gunpowder in Muhammad Amadar’s apartment

Amadar, who was arrested on Monday, has already gathered intelligence on Israeli and Jewish targets, including the Israeli Embassy in Lima, Chabad houses and Jewish community centers.

He was living in Lima’s Surquillo neighborhood, close to the neighborhood that houses the Israeli Embassy and the homes of the Israeli diplomats.

In his interrogation, Amadar denied having any ties to Hezbollah and claimed he was on his way to the US, to meet with his Peruvian-American wife.

Peru’s Interior Minister Daniel Urresti issued an official statement saying a man with ties to an “international terror organization” was arrested following intelligence information. An arrest warrant was issued by the Third National Criminal Court for Organized Crime.

According to reports in Peru, the terror cell Amadar put together is linked to Hezbollah’s vast network in the Triple Border area between Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil, where there’s a large Arab population.

This is another example of how exposed we are with open southern borders where it is easy for any one to come into the country. The methods established over the years by the terrorist groups in association with drug cartels are effective and they have been used in the past and will continue to be used until we decide to close our borders by our decision or from a major attacks on our people. God forbid that to happen.

Until next time be safe:


DATE LINE ISIL: 11-13-2014


Over the last 30 years I have developed relationships around the world to be able to keep ‘My Ear To The Ground” on what is happening in the hot spots of the world. I have been hearing from reports which have been supported by other sources reporting on some of the same issues.

What is the short and long term plans for ISIL and the appointed Caliph:



Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

It seems with the modern day terrorist organization like ISIL they also have their leaks of information from top leadership. The latest reports tell a different story then what is coming from Washington about the success of the bombing campaign. According to top leadership of ISIL less then a hundred of ISIL fighters have been killed and the bombing has not made a dent in the groups abilities or battle plans.

The groups recruitment is on going and increasing even with the bombing and they say they have over 125,000 fighters  and growing daily. The fight on the ground gives some support to this claim when you look at the all the fronts they are fighting on. Training goes on and equipment keeps pouring in.


But the short term plans is what is scary both for Baghdad and Saudi Arabia. They have plans to bring down Baghdad and oust the Iranian front governemnt, as they call it, and to attack Saudi Arabia. With the success they are having with the “pin prick” bombing attacks it doesn’t seem that for fetched.

They are on the march and Kobani on the Syrian border with Turkey is ready to fall while Turkey sets with its military watching the Kurdish town and people be destroyed. (That is another story)

But Saudi is there next target which holds many riches for them. One being the oil, the American bases and the ISIL members in Jail in Saudi. Even through Saudi has a very professional and well equipped military ISIL is counting on the thousands of Saudis fighting with them and the hope that when they attack Saudi the population will rise up to help them. We and the Saudis would be very foolish to not take their threat and plans seriously.

I suspect that Saudi leadership is not getting a lot of sleep as they take seriously the threat to them. The question is when will the US wake up and take the action needed.

In some recent briefings I was asked my opinion on why Obama was not acting to really stop ISIL. Many in the audience had their own ideas and I hope it is not as sinister as some mentioned but is just a lack of not understanding the world and not being a leader.

This is the time to be very vigilant about what is going on in the world and if we here in the states are concerned we can do something about it on November 4th by going to the polls and voting. Be an active stock holder as all Americans are and go cast your ballot.

Until next time be safe:





Iran Nuclear

Explosion near Parchin Nuclear site in East Tehran.

The Iranian Government is putting out very little on the explosion and trying to keep a lid on foreign reports. Some have reported from the ground that there were over 30 killed.

There are many ways to slow down the process for Iran getting a nuclear bomb until the elimination can be completed. As the US leadership follow their misguided steps to a negotiated settlement, which will never happen, others are taking a more direct approach.

I have been reporting on the preparation between Israel and Saudi Arabia and other gulf states to strike military if you US follows the road of appeasement and sign a worthless agreement.

There was a  large explosion near a suspected nuclear site in Iran and has  killed a yet unconfirmed number of people and prompted speculation of sabotage at a military site long suspected of housing Tehran’s clandestine nuclear activities, according Iran’s Defense Industries Organization (DIO), which operates under the country’s Ministry of Defense.

One explosion rocked a production plant late Sunday night in east Tehran, near the Parchin nuclear site, according to Farsi language reports in Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency.

The explosion at a facility referred to as a “production plant” caused a fire that killed two workers, according to Fars, which cited information provided by Iran’s DIO.

Fars first reported news of the explosion, claiming that it took place at an “explosive material factory” near Parchin.

Iranian opposition groups claimed a higher death toll than reported, with some claiming that “at least four military personnel were wounded” in the blast.

The official reports acknowledge that Parchin is a military site, but claim that actual explosion took place at a non-military installation used as a waste storage depot.
The reports referred to a “strong” and “tremendous explosion” that “shook Eastern Tehran” and blew out the windows of a nearby building and impacted about a 10-mile area, according to Saham News.

The report also cites the explosion as taking place near the “Parchin military site,” which has been known to house “high explosives” and other work related to Iran’s nuclear program, according to the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS).

“The Parchin site is among the military sites of Tehran which produce solid fuel for ballistic missiles without any safety rules and precautions,” Saham reported, according to a translation provided by the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

There is more to this story then meets the eye and as The West Dillie dally s around and try’s to appease Iran into making a real deal there are those who will continue to act. Hopefully chipping away at the Iranian regimens goals will give time for the people of Iran to rise up and take back their country.

This is something to watch in the coming weeks and months.

Until next time be Safe:





Top: Abdulaziz bin Abdullah

Bottom:Interior minister Nayef





It wasn’t until after 9-11 when I opened an office in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia  that I became aware of the deep ties at high levels between Saudi and Israel. This is a real catch 22 particular for Saudi as all the Arab countries have to be concerned about the local population and information that those who promote  Jihad could use to inflame the locals against the government.

So for local consumption any ties are down played and the hard line is promoted publicly. I do not want to share information which will give the radicals fodder but I think we in the West, particular the U.S., need to know where our administration has ceded leadership someone is stepping in.

It is very clear where this administration is headed with the negotiations with Iran on their Nuclear program is going. Obama is so focused on getting a deal any deal that he will leave the Iranians the ability to quickly move toward a bomb. That is something that both Saudi Arabia and Israel can’t allow.

In a recent meeting between Israel Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and Saudi Prince Turki bin Faisal in New York, at the recent UN General assembly, they cussed issues facing both countries. This was follow up by  a secret meeting in Riyadh between a close adviser to Abdulaziz bin Abdullah and Saudi Interior Minister Prince Nayef where the sensitive of the two country relationship was discussed.

At the meeting in New York the subjects raised, according to sources, by the Saudi and Israeli officials were:

1. Strengthening cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Israel in defeating the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad,

2. All-out cooperation to prevent a nuclear deal between Iran and the West in a way that Tehran’s relations with the western states will be experience serious trouble and lead the nuclear talks to a failure,

3. Finding new ways to accelerate and facilitate economic, political and foreign policy relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia,

4. Given the existence of differences between Saudi Arabia and Qatar on the political, territorial, economic and regional issues, Israel undertook to support Riyadh’s stances and force Qatar to accept the preconditions of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the UAE for ending the existing conflicts, and

5. During the meeting between Turki al-Faisal and Tzipi Livni in New York, Saudi Arabia has presented a dual-track approach to play with Iran which started with Turki al-Faisal’s meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in New York.

The growing relationship between Saudi and Israel is in direct response to America’s declining role as the world leader and diminishing influence. If this continues then we can expect more world crises to arise as the terrorist and others test their new found freedom.

Until next time be safe:





Muslim pilgrims arrive to cast stones at pillars symbolizing Satan, during the annual haj pilgrimage, on the first day of Eid al-Adha in Mina

2014 Haj in Saudi Arabia with millions gathered.

Most of us here don’t understand the day to day life in a Muslim country with a religious leaning governemnt. One thing very different for us is the way religion effects the daily schedule and planning your business day around the call to pray.

We are used to business non stop 7 days a week but in Saudi Arabia when the call to pray goes out business stops. If you are in a mall the stores close and you wait in the halls for the 25 minutes or so to pass. Of course you could do your own praying. If you happen to be seated in a restaurant than you wait as the employees go to pray or if they aren’t Muslim they still can’t serve you.

Then the next thing is all the holidays. I had an office in Riyadh for many years and it is something you have to learn to adjust to remembering you  aren’t in America. The two big holidays are Ramadan and Eid al-daha or Haj which is going on now. It is the 3 day pilgrimage to Mecca  as millions of Muslims come from all over the world to celebrate. This year was different at Haj as:


Taking aim at Islamic State, Saudi Arabia has mounted a battle for hearts and minds at this year’s haj, warning pilgrims that the hardline group is “evil” and seeking to recruit their children to fight in Iraq and Syria.

As millions of pilgrims visited the holiest sites in Islam on the second day of the annual pilgrimage on Saturday, global leaders condemned the fourth beheading of a Westerner by Islamic State insurgents.

Saudi Arabia declared Islamic State a terrorist organization in March and sharply stepped up denunciations of the group after its fighters made rapid territorial gains in Iraq in June.

U.S.-led air strikes on the group has allowed some of the lost territory to be recaptured, but the well-armed militants continue to make gains in Iraq and Syria. Last week, Saudi air force planes pounded militant targets in Syria.

The group’s radical Sunni Islamist ideology is gaining traction elsewhere in the Muslim world: A group in Algeria pledged allegiance before killing a French hostage last month, and Pakistani Taliban also declared their support on Saturday.

Saudi Arabia follows the ultra conservative Wahhabi school of Sunni Islam,
and the  Islamic State, like al Qaeda, draws some of its ideology from the Wahhabi school, but it rejects the legitimacy of the Saudi government and has vowed to topple the ruling Al Saud dynasty. This is where in Saudi that religion and secular governemnt part ways. The ruing family has given leave way to the religious leaders to practice Shara law as long as it doesn’t threaten them but both al-Qaeda and ISIL want to over throw the ruling family in Saudi.

The clerics are preaching “Your religion is targeted. Your security, ideology, strength and intellect are all targeted,” the kingdom’s Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdulaziz Al al-Sheikh preached to the vast crowds of pilgrims in Mecca on Friday.

About three million Muslims, among them 1.4 million from abroad, with them a large group from America, are expected to perform haj this year.

“The enemies of Islam are making preparations against you, so be wary of them,” the Grand Mufti said in his sermon at mount Arafat’s Nimara mosque.

Sheikh Abdallah bin Ali Basfar, a religious lecturer who is involved in the kingdom’s “awareness” campaign, said the Ministry of Islamic Affairs had instructed preachers to denounce Islamic State as a “terrorist organization” in their sermons and teachings. This is a  time that I support the governemnt telling the preachers what to say.

“We have a job to warn people against the evil these groups present and how they use concepts in Islam like jihad as a cover for their unjust causes,” Basfar said.

“There are 70,000 sheikhs and preachers in Saudi Arabia who have an incredible amount of influence on people. That’s why we are concentrating our efforts to fight these deviant thoughts, especially during haj,” he said.
The campaign also includes the distribution of religious material representing what the government believes to be more moderate views of Islam, as well as broadcasting more religious programs on radio and television to spread these views.

In addition, preachers have also been warning parents to monitor the actions of their children.”These evil groups prey on our youth through mediums like the Internet and parents must start to know what their children are doing and who they talk to,” Basfar said

Most of the pilgrims seem to be receptive to the campaign by stating “We follow our preachers and we follow the Saudi government which opposes them and we believe our sheikhs.”

Religious leaders in the kingdom who have expressed sympathy for Islamic State fighters had been identified to the authorities, Basfar said. Some were peddling a theory that the group was formed by the West to weaken the Muslim world.

The clerics and the Saudi governemnt believe that “Muslims are the only ones that could defeat them. Islamic State in the end is an idea, that can only be fought with another idea.”

I believe they are correct but we in America as country have to be the leader, a strong leader, of the free world to help hold back the forces of evil that will continue to spring up even after ISIS is gone.

Stay informed, Be alert Be Safe.

More later,





Mosas Hasan Yousef (Son of Hamas founder)

Our heads are spinning with the swirling of events that seem totally out of control with anyone of them able to launch the world over the edge.  I have never seen a time in my life that our attention is shifted so fast from violent event to vilest event. It is like many of the commercials for products to day they run them for a few days and then have a new one to use. In the old days they would last for months or years. Not any more for commercials or for a peaceful world.

One of the big dangers to this fast pace is we take our eye off the most dangerous situations and move to the new front and center event. That has happened with ISIS particular since the be headings. To quickly our attention leaves the Iranian nuclear quest for the bomb or the danger in Israel with Hamas. I suspect Iran is cheering us on to keep our focus on ISIS and as our president leans toward giving away the farm to them in the negotiations they are thrilled. But that give away is another story.

Today I want to share a persons story that I suspect most have not heard anything about. This is the story of the son of the founder of Hamas and who for over twenty years lived in Gaza, spent time in Israels jails and saw first hand how Hamas was killing their own people. This is Mosas Yousef, picture above, story:

Mosab Hassan Yousef was born in Ramallah, in the West Bank in 1978. His father, Sheikh Hassan Yousef, is a founding leader of Hamas, internationally recognized as a terrorist organization and responsible for countless suicide bombings and other deadly attacks against Israel. Yousef was an integral part of the movement, for which he was imprisoned several times by the Shin Bet, the Israeli intelligence service. He withstood torture in prison only to discover Hamas was torturing its own people in a relentless search for collaborators. He began to question who his enemies really were— Israel? Hamas? America? After a chance encounter with a British tourist, Yousef started a six-year quest that jeopardized Hamas, endangered his family and threatened his life.

Before the age of twenty-one, Yousef saw things no one should ever see: abject poverty, abuse of power, torture, and death. He witnessed the behind-the-scenes dealings of top Middle Eastern leaders who make headlines around the world. He was trusted at the highest levels of Hamas and participated in the Intifada. He was held captive deep inside Israel’s most feared prison facility. His dangerous choices and unlikely journey through dark places made him a traitor in the eyes of people he loves—and gave him access to extraordinary secrets. At the podium, he exposes events and processes that to this point have been known only by a handful of individuals and reveals new information about the world’s most dangerous terrorist organization. Yousef unveils the truth about his own role, his agonizing separation from family and homeland, and his belief that to “love your enemies” is the only way to peace in the Middle East

This is from Mosas,

It was  ill-considered decision by 138 nations of the UN General Assembly to extend non-member observer status to the Palestinian National Authority touched off celebrations throughout Gaza. That is because Hamas, not the Palestinian people, emerged as the clear winner.

Misrepresenting himself as the leader of the Palestinian people, Mahmoud Abbas solemnly told delegates that, “The moment has arrived for the world to say clearly: Enough of aggression, settlements and occupation.”
He went on to assure the Assembly that he “came to launch a final serious attempt to achieve peace,” then demanded nothing less than “the realization of [the Palestinian people’s] inalienable national rights in their independent State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, on all the land of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, which Israel occupied in the June 1967 war, in conformity with the resolutions of international legitimacy and with the achievement of a just and agreed upon solution to the Palestine refugee issue in accordance with resolution 194, as stipulated in the Arab Peace Initiative which presented the consensus Arab vision to resolve the core the Arab-Israeli conflict and to achieve a just and comprehensive peace.”

First, it must be clearly understood that Mahmoud Abbas is no more the representative of the Palestinian people than Yassir Arafat was.

At present, Mahmoud Abbas is leader of nothing. He was elected president of the Palestinian National Authority in 2005 on the Fatah ticket, and his term ended in 2009. On his own authority, he extended his term for another year. Since then, he has neither legitimate authority nor standing.

In 2006, Hamas defeated Fatah for rule over Gaza. And if an election was held in the West Bank today, Hamas would win a landslide victory over Mahmoud Abbas, as evidenced by celebration throughout the West Bank after Hamas terrorists launched hundreds of missiles into Israel, murdering innocent citizens.

Nor is Mahmoud Abbas authorized to speak for the 1.3 million Palestinians still living in refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank, and Gaza.

A question I have posed many times before is, which Palestinian State is Mahmoud Abbas talking about? The Palestine of the West Bank or the Palestine of Gaza, isolated from one another by culture, politics, the Negev Desert, and thirty miles of Israel?

The UN also would have done better to take another look at the pre-1967 borders, which they treat as though the Six-Day War was micro-imperialism on the part of Israel.

In the summer of 1967, Israel was surrounded and ridiculously outnumbered by enemies who joined forces to drive every Jew into the sea, joking that they hoped the fish were hungry.

But these massive, heavily-equipped armies lost both their dignity and the war, leaving Israel in control of the Sinai Peninsula, Gaza, the Golan Heights, and the West Bank—not as a land grab, but as a reasonable and necessary defense against another genocidal attack.

Even so, twelve years later, nearly two years after Egyptian President Anwar Sadat came to Israel with a sincere offer of peace, Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt.

But Sadat was assassinated and Hosni Mubarak was overthrown, and when, Egypt was in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood, now since removed, leaving Sinai an open corridor for weapons into Gaza. Iranian weapons—Grad and Fajr-5 missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, and shoulder-held anti-tank missiles—are built in Sudan by Iran or shipped to Sudan from Iran. From Khartoum, the weapons are taken overland through eastern Sudan, into Egypt, up through Sinai, and into Gaza through a warren of tunnels. Totally unopposed by Egypt!

It is important to remember, too, that Israel did the same thing with Gaza as with Sinai. In 2006, Israel pulled out of Gaza entirely, even arresting their own settlers who refused to leave and exhuming their dead from the cemeteries. All for the promise of peace.

The fruit of both concessions was evident when Hamas extremists in Gaza used weapons smuggled to them through Egypt to attack Israelis. Just as they did throughout two intifadas, Hamas jihadis fired missiles from heavily populated areas, using their own people, including many children, as human shields. As the smoke rose and the corpses were dug out of the debris, they wept and wailed and used the deaths for fundraising. But the blood of those precious Palestinian children is not on the hands of Israel; it stains the hands of Hamas.

And now the wisdom of the international community is for Israel to withdraw from the West Bank as well? Israel’s enemies failed to shoot it, so now they are trying to force it to commit suicide. This will never happen. End of Quote.

I encourage all of you to Google and u tube Mosas Yousef read about him and watch his movie ‘The Green Prince” for the truth about what is going on in Gaza. Lets keep our eye on the critical events as the world melts down around us.

Until next time be safe.
