Hello, I’m Phil, little host of the Private Investigator Experience, podcast where we talk about the life and cases of a private investigator. And one of the things that we do quite often is have a guest expert on, at some of the areas of, our life and work and issues that we’re facing in our country. Today we’re gonna be talking about and looking at the impact of child sex trafficking on the world and what is really going on with this subject. I found some staggering numbers when I’ve, looked just, casually around at this. They’re, saying in 2023, this estimated with 50,000, of, cases of various, both adult and children. Some numbers say 27 to 40 million worldwide have been affected by, this scourge. With more than 360,000 missing at any one time, and with more than a hundred, one or 9,000 of those being trafficked, sex traffic is the second largest black market in the us. They say with estimates of ninety-nine billion. I mean, this is a problem that so many of us aren’t even aware of this going on, and we don’t wanna know about it. Well, today I have a long time friend and associate I. Who, Has done something about it. He stepped out of the crowd and made a difference in his life and his service, and particularly for children. I heard growing up on the farm in Missouri, that how you could really identify the character of someone I. How they treated children and how they treated animals. Well, I don’t know about the animal side, but I know how our guest today has, treated this, problem and concern about, children. And if I gave this whole resume, I may, we’d be here talking for quite a while about it. So I’m gonna give you just some, highlights of it. basil ba and, that’s, A name you won’t, forget. Baz is known as a patron saint for Missing Kids. He’s a former CIA intelligence, special operations, group paramilitary case officer, recipient of the Intelligence commendation medal, former counterterrorism officer in the United States, Marine, Corps, and a graduate of the Citadel. Now in 19 ninety-three, Bass founded the Association for the Recovery of Children, an organization comprised of former and active, intelligence, military and law enforcement personnel dedicated to the recovery of missing and exploited American children. In foreign and domestic locations. He has, carried on his work. in twenty-nineteen on, invitation to the White House and DOJ, Baz introduced, a law and initiative that would increase, severe penalties for those involved in the sexual exploit of any child under the age of 18. He’s also an author of, Terrorism, Survival Handbook, and he’s been on a lot of the news media as a spokesperson. he’s also, I. A, a note here, Ben on, television, a producer, actor, and, other areas that he’s co-starred as a commander of, Raymond, Redmond’s, paramilitary group on our favorite show, the Black List of All Times Baz, your Well-known all over the world, and thank you for being on. I know Your Time’s valuable, and thank you for being our friend and a friend of the children
thanks, Phil for having me. It’s, it’s always a pleasure to be, in your company. So, we’re grateful. Thank you for having us.
how did your life start out? Where did you grow up and, how did you find yourself where you’re at today? How did it all start?
You know, wow. Most of the credit of everything I do, it goes to. my ancestors, my father, my grandfather, my grandfather came to America in 1914 from Beirut Lebanon, married a Native American woman. She was Waccamaw. They had 12 kids. One of those kids happened to be my father. he and all of his brothers, with the exception of his sister, served in the military. So I was raised, with a green Beret father who had a, good moral, code. An amazing mom who loved God. And, together, that combination, helped me grow to be, well, it helped me grow and stay out of trouble basically, I guess. So, I grew up traveling around the United States and other parts of the world, typical of most military kids, and, learned to love the country. In the way that our founding fathers loved this country, and, understood where we came from, our history and particularly from my grandfather’s side as an immigrant. he, there was nothing better than America. and so, we became Americans. my grandfather used to say. There aren’t any African Americans. There aren’t any Chinese Americans. There aren’t any Irish Americans. We all bleed the same color. We’re just Americans. As soon as we understand that, we’ll get along. So, that was a good way to grow up. And then, as you mentioned, I went to the Citadel, got out there, was captain of the Marine Corps, eventually got recruited by the CIA. And yes, in 19 ninety-three, particularly out of an experience in, Mogadishu Somalia. Most people remember an incident there called Black Hawk down prior to that incident, myself and a number of really amazing American warfighters rescued a couple of kids that were not indigenous to that area. And, so when I got back to the Statesville, I kind of just, thought that all kids kind of grew up the same. go to high school, go to college, and. Get a job and become an American and prosper and contribute to society. And at that time, much to my surprise, in 19 ninety-three, according to the information I was getting from friends in DOJ or local law enforcement, whatever it may be, there were about 250,000 missing in America. And they were just considered missing, kids. The word trafficking, Wasn’t really, a term people were using back in those days. but because there were judiciary, there were communication restraints, budgetary constraints, with law enforcement who needed to be doing this work at that time because it is a crime being committed. they were having a difficult time and so honestly on the advice of some really. Good. And they’re retired now. Law enforcement friends, they said, look, you’re CIA special operations guy. Why don’t you go save some kids? And so the Association for Recovery got started and from ninety-three to ninety-six on my holidays would go rescue a kid. And, by ninety-six, I was sold out, sounded like it was Guy God was calling me to go there. And, so ninety-six, I jumped ship from the CIA and did that full-time. and there were other things that took place in my life. for example, my, writing career and my film and television career, but those were not by design. And in fact, the first time I. Touched the film industry. a lady literally walked up to me in Tucson, Arizona and said, you should be on tv. And I was like, rolled my eyes. but she turned out to be an amazing friend named Nancy Good, who had a good friend named Holly Heuer, who was one of the most powerful casting directors in Hollywood. they got me on a show as a pa. no one really knew where he came from. I did. And, one thing led to another, Michael Greenberg and Larry Rappaport and a bunch of other people, producers, read some of my material, saw something in me, and they all kind of got behind me. And the next thing you know, I’m in Los Angeles, and a different career. And what was great about that is it afforded me the opportunity. To work, a schedule in the film industry that allowed me to also go rescue kids so it would pay my bills and I could go rescue kids. it’s been nice that way. I turned down a lot of jobs. Like I got asked to be the director of security for Monsanto and South Africa, you know, tremendous dollars, but it wouldn’t lemme go rescue kids. you know this more than anybody? You know what a calling is. It’s different than a nice thing to do. A calling is something that it tugs on your heart and non-stop and you realize that if, whatever needs to be done is gonna get done and get done right, you’re about the only person that’s gonna be able to do it. So, association for the recovery of children got started. More people kept joining me and now I think. We’re blessed to be the longest running child rescue organization in the United States. So that’s, that’s kind of how we got it.
When you mentioned about, you know, law enforcement and the work, I remember I was a young deputy out in California when I started, a long time ago, and you’d roll up on a domestic disturbance and you would so many times see the evidence. Of, child abuse and things happening to kids, but there wasn’t the, known, problems and you didn’t have the abilities then to do anything about it. Like today, you’d had to drive away sometimes knowing that you were leaving a child in danger, but you couldn’t do anything about it. And it was so. De-habilitating, particularly when you cared about children. And it’s, great, to see that what you’ve done and leading the charge on this for so much of, the awareness. But what, from 19 ninety-three, when you started, what have you seen? In this, the child trafficking area, has it grown? How has it grown? What are some of the outgrowths and where is the growth coming from? what have you seen in that area?
that’s a great question, Phil. Thank you. when I first started out, I, thought that it was just, Non-custodial, guardian, kidnapping, or maybe there was a little prostitution. as I dove into it more and over the years, what I’ve seen is that it has become, and I believe this number is pretty accurate,$150 billion, industry around the world. there’s an entire criminal enterprise that uses children as commodities Now. It is very well organized, where in the earlier days it was just a pimp here or a pedophile here, or whatever it may be. but with the advent of technology and other things, it’s become very sophisticated to the point that gangs are involved in it, the cartel is involved in it, and the cartel, you know, is worldwide. politicians are involved in it. Doctors, preachers, I the list goes on and on and on when it comes to the trafficking of children. in the earlier days, if you were to sit and kind of explain to somebody this, the logistical mechanism of child sex trafficking and how they move things around the world and showing people literally laughed at you and they thought it didn’t happen, they weren’t aware of it. they didn’t know the AO very well in the area of operation, and so these things seemed too fantastic for them, too Fantastic because they maybe would never touch a child and they couldn’t believe that somebody else would rape a two-year-old and then go as far as cutting the body up and maybe eating the body or disposing of the body, just some of the most bizarre, most sickening, most evil things on the planet. two. The most innocent in our life. But because also in America, and by the way, I think your audience needs to know this, we are the largest buyers of child sex and child sex porn in any other nation in the world. So, we don’t get a, a free, hall pass when it comes to this issue. But, I think because children are such a commodity. You know, I can sell you a kilo of cocaine, let’s say, and you use it up in a day or whatever, or or whenever you use it up. But I can sell you a little child over and over and over and over again, and make tons of money. so if we look at, the stats and numbers are just numbers. 400 some thousand American children missing last year. you don’t see 400 and some thousand American children walking on the streets, so you have to ask themselves where are they held to shoot child pornography, to be raped, to be sold, whatever it may be. And, I don’t think we always know. We don’t know that. We don’t have the answer for that. That’s why we NGOs and rescue and law enforcement are out there trying to clean this mess up. In addition to all that, because we’re an over-sexualized society, Phil, and because, and this is a major problem here because we do not have a respect for life. Look at how many millions of children we have aborted Yes. In our country. So there’s no value placed on a life. So when you tell somebody that somebody’s raping a two-year-old, or a three-year-old, they don’t really care because they’ll get rid of a nine. In the womb or whatever it may be. So the mentality of America, this is disposable mentality, just adds fuel to the fire when it comes to the abuse of children. And quite honestly, there are organizations in America that actually promote minor attracted persons. Pedophiles and they, think they’re so liberal that they should be able to have their way with children. And this should not be this way. So, if you get that and you add another little, another part to the chemistry, which is there’s just really weird sick people out there that just wanna have their way with children. you’ve got a big problem in America. So in America, Phil because it is so ugly. A lot of people don’t want to hear it. They wanna look the other way because if they look at it, they hear it, they might feel obligated to do something about it. Then there are those people that actually do hear it and see it, and they do something about it. Then there’s those people, like many of our law enforcement across America, that aren’t well-trained. The average law enforcement officer might get two hours of training. We put it, we give a six-day course, an intense course to teach people what you would learn in about twenty-one years of being out on the street to bring’em up to speed. So we’ve got a lot of people missing, the target here, to be honest with you, in America. and then finally, and it pains me to say this, we have a lot of NGOs that have turned this into a business model. whether it’s. Someone starting a new NGO to say, we rescue kids, or an aftercare that may say we have 40 beds, but they really only have four beds. But they have great marketing teams that go after these multimillion dollar grants that the government puts out there with no oversight when it comes to spending. And they’re making a, business out of it and paying themselves big salaries and. That’s a shame. I think our organization is probably one of the only organizations that I know of that actually does not receive a paycheck. It’s all volunteer. we get donations to cover operations, but we’ve done that on purpose so that we could try and be squeaky clean. Because 15, 20 years ago, I knew that people were gonna get on board as, a business model, and they were gonna start paying themselves.’cause I saw it happening in, other areas, And so those are the things we deal with here in America that, are, challenging, so to speak.
my mind, is jumping many different ways of all the things we could talk about here in this area. And, what is your opinion on how much has we call it brainwashing or re-education of our children That started. Well, 30, 40 years ago, pointedly to change the whole education system, take it out where we’re from, what we did and, and the good things about our country and making it this progressive, woke, not concerned about, life. And we can all be, any identity we want to be, just how we wake up this morning. How much is that? Has affected you think this area, and you kind of touched on, so much of, of our minds today, not only U.S. It’s bad, but even out around the world, don’t really care and wanna get involved in things. But how much of this whole destruction of our education system do you think has affected this area of growth in child trafficking?
It’s killing us as a nation. if you look at, at the fact that we don’t even teach American history any longer, we don’t teach the, the founding fathers the Constitution, and you don’t, and you have people that don’t care about the country because they can’t appreciate how the country got here, then they don’t appreciate anything else. So if you can’t appreciate the country you live in and the valuable history we had, how can you. Appreciate getting involved with. its issues. You don’t, you’re, out here for a free ride. It’s, a kind of a Stalinist approach. You know, it’s kinda like, let’s take down all our statues of whatever it is, and now nobody will understand the history and we’ll repeat that history. so let’s get rid of that so we can generations later, we can teach them what we want to teach them, which is socialism, to be honest with you. and no one’s gonna respect the country or see the value in it because we don’t teach’em the national anthem. We don’t teach’em Pledge of Allegiance. we’re literally destroying our country. If you take a look at right now, the border, the open border situation, not, I’m just gonna segue a little bit into that. Yeah. I don’t know what we have in the country now. Somebody told me two days ago, 5.3 million illegal immigrants, maybe, I don’t know the answer. Think about this. None of those illegal immigrants, they’re illegal. They committed a crime, are gonna come into America and study history one-on-one, they’re not gonna appreciate this country. They won’t know what it’s to be like and be a American. They’re not gonna do the Pledge of Allegiance. They’re not gonna support the Constitution. They’re not gonna support the educational system, and they are certainly not gonna support an agenda to save children in this country because it means nothing to them. Most of the people that have come into this country come from a third-World Nation, where I can already tell you because I’ve traveled it and you have as well. The value they put on Children’s lives is like. Minimal minimal. I mean, we’ve got parents selling their children in third-world countries for money, trafficking their own children. So you’ve got that. And then you’ve got somebody like, and I, and I don’t really, I’ll say it, you’ve got like the bozo, you vice president and the, and the bigger bozo president that makes a statement. We’re gonna carve the path to citizenship for all of these illegal citizens. Well, that’s a ploy. They’re gonna bring all these people in and they’re gonna get’em to vote Socialism and Democrat because they want bigger government. They want to control, and I’m gonna go somewhere with this bigger government thing. They want bigger government, they want socialist government. They want people have to depend on the government because we can’t feed those people. We can’t give them work. And so now you’ve got a bunch of people that have no sense of nationalism. So now the country’s falling apart. And so here you go to big government. And big government particularly this administration is responsible for one of the largest child sex trafficking issues in this country. Right now we’ve got eighty-six thousand immigrant children that are missing because of this government. We got another 9,000 that were hunting down, and I know that for a fact’cause our team was the first team on the ground in Chattanooga Tennessee. When the night flights came in, I sent my report. Up to ice. Ice got back in touch with me and said, the Biden administration’s in charge of this. They told us hands off. So the Biden administration, a socialist, left-wing, bunch of clowns is trafficking children in America, bringing children in. They go, well, they’re going to their families, they’re going to sponsors. That’s not the case. Congress knows it’s not the case. We’ve lost eighty-six thousand of them. Where are they? I’ll tell you where we’re gonna find them. Child pornography. Child, sex, slavery, labor, slavery, whatever it may be. If you take all of that and you look at how it all got started, it all comes from very much what you’re talking about, Phil we’re not educating people in America. We’re not educating our children. And those children we’re not educating, they’re not gonna care about this issue. They think the government’s gonna take care of’em, and you and I know that this woke generation. It’s gonna end up in slavery itself. They’ll end up bodgered in slavery, not sex slavery, but they’ll end up in slavery with a socialist government and they won’t care about all the other things like children because they’re gonna have their own problems to deal with. So it’s all by design, we know that. and we should have cleaned that up. We’ve got, a lot of socialist professors. Teaching in colleges and high schools. we’ve got everything that you can think of going on it’s really crushing our nature. If our nation was the way it should be, we would set the death penalty in this country to say anybody sexually exploits a child, that’s what you get. Yes, that’s the message we would send because we protect our children, we love our children, but this administration does not love our children. This administration aborts our children. This administration brings children in and puts them into sex slavery, unaccountability and list goes on and now they’re doing it to illegal immigrant children. There. they are the most treasonous administration this nation has ever had in the history of America. I don’t mind saying it, and everybody knows, I generally say things, everybody else is thinking they just don’t wanna say it. Right. But that’s what it’s, and this administration should be yanked by the collar pulled out and put in jail for that treason and, and child sex trafficking and other crimes that are being committed. Then maybe we could kind of get back on the right path.
Right. This is mind boggling to me at how. People and on both sides of the aisle. Well, we’ve got Republicans back there absolutely. That, that are co-opting this and, and going along with, this facade of staying in political power. years ago, many years ago, we were watching and I was very involved down in Mexico and, the head of my operation down there was a very amazing man connected. And, but one of the times, we were tasked, we put a couple of our agents, Mexican, toughies on the, train the Beast coming out of, Guatemala, headed north, and they rode that up. This was. 20 years ago or more. And, we were tracking the PLO particularly was the growth. And then, Hamas and Hezbollah, both in, Baja have have grown tremendously and I challenge people that listen and watch this, do some research on what is going on around this, open border. Really what’s happened as I’ve, been looking down around there, our border patrol has become a travel agent. And what all they’re doing is processing, people coming in and letting them in. And then, they’re gone. And I’ve had firsthand accounts down in that border with how the trafficking has, coming into Mexico City and it’s all cartels and like you said. It’s like Hamas, is just not in Israel, and in Gaza, they’re all over the world. as well as Hezbollah is a big one. But these cartels are picking them up in Mexico City, getting’em into buses, and they are, 10 to$15,000 a person. But then these young attractive girls, their teens and early teens, they’re separating them out. They’re pulling’em away from their families and taken’em away and put them into to sex trafficking and slavery. And we as a country. political, element are allowing that to happen.
I don’t understand how. And when you look at what happened, I was shocked by, October the seventh because my whole real interest in counterterrorism started in Israel, southern Lebanon. And I’ve worked a lot with, been there a lot on the ground. And I know how efficient, how good the Israelis are. But then when I, was talking to some people after October 7th, I learned something that really shocked me. I thought never in Israel, but they said their intelligence services had been, co-opted some by people with woke ideology in Israel. Excuse me. And so what they were doing, they were getting warnings. From people on the ground in Gaza, they’re Israelis, police and military. Something’s up. Something’s going to happen. We need to beef up our, forces along the border. They said, oh no, it’s nothing there. They didn’t report it or whatever. They reported up because I think a lot of it, they thought, well, the Abraham Accord is here. We’re gonna have some peace. But they they didn’t act and they got caught and Flat-footed. Then the other thing that happened from that is how much anti-Semitism rose, like a, it was just like a toy. It rose all over the, world. If we don’t learn from that. These numbers of American young people, they’re out on the streets saying from the, river to the sea. They don’t know what river or what sea. They don’t know what this is all about. We’re going to see the same kind of violence to happen in our country, and it’s not going to be just the children. It’s gonna be on everybody. But this is a subject Baz that. Americans need to wake up. And so we all need to be crying out a lot more, but what happens when you get a call? You get somebody come to you and say, my, child’s missing. Or somebody missing, what goes first into your mind? And you don’t, have to give away secrets here, but much as you can talk about what, how do you then form the steps of what you’re going to do? Recover that child, what’s kind of the process?
Phil, you know me well enough these years, the very first thing is I just, hit my knees and, pray for the safety of the kid. That’s the very first thing I do. the second thing we do is we have, those custodial guardians or law enforcement, whatever, give us a story, a report on everything that we can collect, all the intel we can collect on the child, their whereabouts, their perpetrators, or potential perpetrators. just everything, all the legalities of that, to look at. Whether we can actually go get that child or not. You know, we’ve gotta, have a lead. You know this as a detective. we also look at financing to make sure we have a budget to go get a child. A child could be anywhere, child could be in three states over, but child could also be three countries over. then, We, take all of that and, we get together, bring in my team members. If we think there’s an opportunity that the child is still alive, we’ll launch an operation to go get that kid back. Most of the time we coordinate that with law enforcement at multiple levels, local, state, and federal to find out what’s already being done. I’d say 80% of the time when these cases come to us and nothing’s being done. For a couple reasons. One, they’re inundated with crime or number two, they just don’t have the bandwidth to do it or they don’t want to do it. and then we’ll launch a team right after we find what we think is the location of the child. we’ll go in and get the child back, from whoever the perpetrator is. we don’t arrest the perpetrators. That’s not what we do. Or we look for windows of opportunity. To bring that child out. And we do that carefully with all the tradecraft that we’ve learned all over the years. one of the great things about being a former CIA officer is they train you very well, how to be invisible and how to, actually get the mission accomplished really below the radar. so this is how we kind of operate. We’re not about kicking doors in, I, unless we are in Syria going after children that ISIS has kidnapped. We’re not armed, generally we’re not armed in the United States. We don’t need to be. one of the things we’ve been able to do is broker good relationships with, gang members or former gang members. a lot of former bad guys. It’s kinda like dancing with the devil. You just don’t poke him in the eye kind of thing. They provide us with a lot of insight, a lot of intel because we’re not law enforcement officers, even though many are former. there’s no red tape for us to have to go through to have those relationships or those conversations, in order to do that. So that’s kind of the process we go through. once we do that, we’re off to the next one. we probably get five cases a week, that are, they go from. Maybe a mild case to just horrible cases. that’s how we do things. We get our intel from law enforcement, from government. we’re well known on our website now in this community of NGOs that a lot of NGOs will turn over cases to us, or we’ll do joint operations with strategic partners, to go get a kid or save a victim or whatever it may be. the interesting thing about now, and you were talking about how this has escalated. now what happens is if you have a trafficked victim, child or adult, if they want to testify against their perpetrators, most of their perpetrators, if it’s a gang or cartel, or if it’s corrupt, it’s a corrupt entity somewhere that shouldn’t be corrupt, they’ll do a witness disposal project. Where they try to get and actually kill off that person so they can never talk and all that kind of stuff. So we’re seeing more and more of that. It’s something the media doesn’t cover, like a kid gets rescued in a inner city, they put him on a bus to go to aftercare or an Uber or whatever it may be, and the child doesn’t make it and later found in the desert dead. Or maybe the child could run away, but the ones you find that are dead, no one wants to talk about it because there’s liability. It’s like, why did you put’em on a bus by themselves to send them to three states over to an aftercare facility? so, we know because it’s a business model that when you start disrupting a business model, there’s retaliation sometimes. So that’s our process for it.
I get asked a lot about what, what’s the favorite case you’ve ever done? What’s a case that stands out? And then I could have a whole lot of things going through my mind, but what would be a case that you’ve went on and you had this result that was just more heart wrenching and more, emotional than normal, in a recovery of a child and being able to reunite with a parent or family.
we don’t make this an emotional issue starting out the gate. It’s very mission focused, very logical. it’s months after when you start thinking about how it unfolded that you kind of get a little emotional about it. and I would tell anybody who wants to get into this arena, number one, understand the AO, the area of operation. Don’t think you just know something because you know the word trafficking’cause it’s not like that. You’ll get slapped upside the head really fast, you’ll fall on your sword. So you really need to understand the AO and, not making it an emotional issue, make it a logical issue and get the job done. and, a lot of, of our team members that are former war fighters or law enforcement can do that very well. we run into other NGOs where it is an emotional issue for them and it falls apart for them. So, I think, the most heart wrenching case. Which is actually still ongoing. it’s a case where there was, a girl that was sold in the trafficking here in the United States by her parents when she was seven years old. and she was, sold at auctions. she was chipped and she had a barcode. she was chained up for two years in a back house. she was exchanged from one handler to another. and in one day, And she was much older. she sought refuge. She was able to escape actually, and that’s a long story in itself. but she escaped and she found refuge at a church, in a certain state. And, was befriended by, the, youth leader who was a female and got invited over to the girls night on Wednesday night church group. And when she got there. there was nobody there but her and the youth leader. And so the youth leader actually said, why don’t you go get changed in your pajamas and we’ll just have popcorn and watch a movie ourselves. she didn’t notice when she went in the bedroom that the lock was on the outside of the door. she went in, got locked in, thought it was a joke. about an hour later, I think she said, the door opened and it was a law enforcement officer and the youth pastor who raped her, brutally raped her for four hours. he became her enforcer and the youth pastor became her handler. eventually over time we were able to get her out of that. but that case is still ongoing and it is a case that involves potentially one of the largest trafficking rings amongst law enforcement officers in America. Then you’ve got churches, and that shouldn’t be happening on any level. it hard, it hurts my heart to think that my law enforcement buddies who try to do a good job, that within the ranks of that brotherhood across America, they have to deal with this. But there’s some of the first ones behind closed doors to say, I got a problem with this. I got officers looking at child porn. Or porn or, have a kid that was prostituted and they paid for it or whatever it may be. And then you’ve got youth leaders and pastors and stuff, and it’s happening in our churches. And you go, well, that should never happen in a Baptist church. Well, it happened in the Vatican, the Catholic Church. Why can’t it happen in a Baptist church? So these things, that is probably the one that sits with our staff because it’s ongoing. regularly wondering, how’s that gonna, how did it all get that way and how’s it gonna end on everything? The other cases, we get a lot of joy out of when we’re able to rescue a kid out of something. but here’s the thing about it, Phil. These people that are trafficked, their life is ruined for as long as they’re on their, so I always ask people. How do you murder a child without killing them? You sexually exploit them. They die every single day. And if they’re fortunate and they make it to 18 without committing suicide, they’re still messed up the rest of their life, the trauma. So, I think it is a horrible thing to do to people. I think that the America needs to understand that, call it sex slavery, call it li labor slavery. Call it whatever you want, but it’s slavery. It’s bigger now than it ever was. I laugh, I actually scoff when I hear people, from certain communities start talking about slavery that happened back during the Confederacy or during the Civil War area, and yet they have more slavery in their own communities now. them trafficking their own people, so to speak. And it doesn’t matter across the board, it doesn’t matter if it’s white, it doesn’t matter if it’s black, it doesn’t matter if it’s Asian community, it doesn’t matter. They’re trafficking their own people, so to speak. And so I try to try to get this across. And when we start trying to put our people in a box, I try to get everybody in America to realize that it’s everybody. It’s not just black, it’s not Asian, it’s just white. I mean, it’s become such a, business model now that everybody’s in on it, so to speak. And we have to look at this as an American thing when we go to rescue a kid. I don’t care what color the kid is, that doesn’t even pass my mind, you know? And this bunch of BS, excuse my French, about racism and all this crap. And that’s what it is. Because I’m gonna tell you something. We all bleed the same color you get with us war fighters. we’re in the trenches together, we bleed the same color, and it’s just a distraction for people to act like victims and not take accountability for cleaning up their communities across America. We should have no child sex trafficking in any community in our country, but yet we do. We do, it’s either selling a kid to Uncle Bobby or, or selling it to somebody else, a buyer or a John or whatever it may be, and they make money off of it, and they think it’s a way of life. it’s kind of, like where are we going with our laws? look at what happens across America, when you become lenient. everybody’s like, everybody comes from a humanistic approach. Like everybody’s good and everybody just let’em do, they’ll love each other and they don’t. People aren’t naturally good. They’re not naturally good. They need lanes. They need lanes to stay in. they need laws to say if you do this, but when you lift those laws, like you say, oh, it’s okay. You can steal up to$900 worth of something and not be prosecuted. Oh yeah, guess what? Rape in California’s no longer consider a violent crime. Okay? And then you go, well, it’s okay for people to abuse children. We just keep going down that rabbit hole. Worse and worse and worse.
bringing this subject up here, and we could talk all day, but, with Epstein, what, what’s your opinion on how he lasted so long? with obviously the people that knew that were silent. What, what’s your take on that whole Epstein thing?
That’s a good question. I think we’re sitting at the 14,000 foot level, waiting to see the smoke clear to find out. What the evidence really looks like. But I will say this, anytime you slow roll an investigation that has that much intensity, and if that big a crime is committed, it’s because people are trying to figure out where they can hide and how they can cover our stuff. It’s the same thing with the Hunter Biden stuff. Everybody knows what the evidence is. And they would enter that. So why isn’t, he getting prosecuted?’cause the president is his father. I was told that by a three-letter agency. It was never gonna happen. So they’re all protecting. So whoever’s on that list of names and Epstein associated with Epstein, they’re trying to drag it out. To such a a point where people don’t care about it anymore. I’ll give you an example and there’s a term for it. If I were to tell America right now, my gosh, I learned that the Democratic Party assassinated Abraham Lincoln, do you think people would care? No. They go, well, that was back then. So they slow rolled it and nobody really cares. Good. But it’s a big deal that we assassinated a president in our own country. Same thing with Epstein if they can keep pushing it generation after generation, after generation, it’ll mean nothing to anybody and it’ll eventually go away. And that’s what they’re hoping for.
Well, when you go back and look. And people say, well, it’s just recently that we’ve had all this issues. Well, you can go back a hundred years. When it started in America, back to the Woodrow Wilson, in those days, the progressivism was starting the attempt. And really you think about it, our country was only what, 150 years old or so then, or a hundred and something, and it already started. Hey, we could change this and make it better. And you know, there’s some people that say, with, Karl, Marx and others, their whole thing was, there were needs to be changed. People were being taken advantage of, but perhaps they didn’t realize that their cure was gonna be worse than, what was going on. And out of that came these, brutal, regimes. And when you watch. Up through the years, progressivism would push, then it’d get pushed back, then it would go a surge. The difference with most. People, normal people, we get complacent. We don’t see something going on, so we think everything’s okay, everything’s great. But then when about the sixties hit in America, it’s when the real push started, they started getting some real groundwork and that’s when they started infiltrating the colleges and started with college. And and then the whole decay started with. This changing our society into a handout society. And when you look at countries out around the world, that went from freedom to some kind of a totalitarianism. if you talk to them, the same pattern happened there. They, they got a mass of people that were, handouts for the government. They had the keepman power. And then ultimately when they got enough power to take control, then everybody was a slave. And Americans, if we don’t wake up, that’s where we’re headed Now. I love to be able to, get that into the spirit of people, but, Baz I’m so glad that you’re doing what you’re doing. you’re doing the work of the Lord, no question. God cares for his babies and his his children,
but there you go.
like I said, we could talk for a long time about this, but we both probably have time. I guess I don’t wanna take too much of your time, but what would you leave. For the viewers and the watchers. how can we, is there any way, what can we do to get people to say, I’m gonna step outta the crowd. I’m gonna get involved, I’m gonna find out what these real issues are. Not listen to politicians, not listen to either side. Say there’s resources that every citizen today could use to research and find out fact not from a slanted viewpoint. What, what would be your, your message to the American people?
Gimme one second here. I got a team in the field. Let me just cut. Tell them to hold on. Okay. Stay right there, Phil.
Oh, go right ahead. Go right ahead. And action is going on as the work of recovering children is more important than a podcast. And, that’s what I love about Boss and what he’s doing, and I hope, we all as Americans will, Pick up on what he is saying and become alarmed enough that we start gathering information that will help us become part of the solution. Our silence is not part of the solution. It. You think might be keeping you from taking shots and getting people mad at you, but silence is not an option. We all need to have a voice and step up, step out and let our voices be heard and Baz go right on.
Thanks. you have to want to care first for all the issues. if we do not, then the question is who will? Sadly, there are more sheep than there are Shepherds if you do not value your freedoms and get involved in the issues that are in part of your country, then you’ll lose those freedoms. We know that, we are getting to a point in a broken judicial system, Phil, where, Americans are starting to realize that they only alternatives they have later, and I’ve seen this happen in third world countries, is if bad things happen to bad people. And so they go, how do we make bad things happen to bad people? that’s the mindset of good Americans now because they realize that, this progressive attitude is taking over. So, when it comes to getting people to step out, if you don’t step out, if you don’t get involved with the issue, it’s gonna end up on your doorstep. It doesn’t matter if it’s children, doesn’t matter if it’s freedom. It doesn’t matter if it’s the open border, if you don’t personally get involved, it’s gonna end up on your doorstep. We think because we’ve been lulled into this belief that everything happens on our computer. well, I’m gonna send a to my congressman, it doesn’t do anything. What the only thing we’ve seen that gives result is when flesh and bone shows up at the doorstep, when people go and, do something about it. Usually in masses, to be honest with you, I just took a look at the, Eagle Pass situation down on the border look like hundreds of thousands of Texans down there. And you know what? They’re getting the attention of the world and they’re gonna do something about it. And they’re gonna have their state rights and, maintain their sovereignty. But they came together because those people realize that if they do not, the federal government will, ruin them the way the federal government is ruining the country right now. So be a voice stand, get involved, when it comes to child sex trafficking. If you care about the issue, learn about the area of operation, and, come join us out there, and that when it comes to the nation, if you don’t save the nation, if we don’t save the constitution, you won’t have to worry about all the issues. Right, right. You won’t have to, you won’t, you won’t have freedom to do anything about the issues. Because the government will take over and everything. I, I never thought I’d be having these discussions. Phil, we’re having the same conversation founding fathers had in the 17 hundreds. It’s history repeats itself and there are those people that go, oh no, it’s not like that. Oh, it’s not this way. It’s like these, those are people that are, they got their head in the sand. They pretty much got their head in the sand. So doing things like you’re doing with. Getting involved with the issues is really and you can have a heart for God. You know, I will say this nation was founded on a Judeo-Christian platform, right? And I’m gonna tell you what, the further we stray from God, the further we get ourselves in trouble. Yes. That’s, that’s, I can’t make anybody a believer overnight, but I can tell you that if God’s not in the, in the midst of it. We’re gonna be in a lot of trouble.
Amen. Amen. And now, what’s the way that people could reach you, your, website? What is that?
Baz: is our website, that talks about us. will give you our schedule for the six different training courses that we have throughout America, in between all of our operations. Okay. and, you can go to info at if you wanna send us an email. other than that, I can meet you on the street somewhere. And say hello.
Good. Right. Well, I’ll speak for America. We thank you Baz for what you and your team is doing and if you listen or watching have comments, please put them on any of the platforms. or better yet, you can email me directly at p little PI 7 7 7 at Will you step out of the crowd? Stand with us. Let your voice be heard. Now we, know there’s a lot of information that we’ve shared, but listen to it carefully, thoughtfully, and we hope to hear from you and get you involved. So until next time, be safe. May God bless you. May God bless your family and may God bless America.