In today’s world just about everybody is in some sort of financial down-turn. That financial pressure and stress is the fuel that motivates many to try unusual ways and means to resolve their money issues. This desperation is what criminals look for and feed off of. Purchasing gold or diamonds in a far off country is definitely an unusual way to go.
As we are actively investigating fraud cases of victims of scams and other crimes in the U.S., Ghana, Mali, and other countries, unfortunately we are finding other victims.
If you are or know someone who has been victimized, please contact us.
- Don’t respond to unsolicited e-mails asking for your help to extract or convert large sums of money. IT’S A SCAM!
- While there are legitimate sellers of fine jewels in foreign countries, if you are presented with an opportunity to make such a purchase, contact a reputable investigative organization and conduct a basic background on the individuals and company. Spending a few dollars now can save you thousands, even millions of dollars.
Check back later for more tips.