The Mexican drug war reaches into the U.S. and as the drug cartels grow so does the potential for terrorist infiltration of the drug soldiers. With the arrest of six US citizens who are part of the US military it brings to light the efforts by the Zetas to recruit military personnel to their ranks.
The Zetas have had links to the Mexican Military since their founding by 31 former members of the Mexican Special Forces who became the enforcement wing for the Gulf Cartel and they are known for their killing skills and brutality. They evolved into their own cartel battling for terrority from other cartels and have become the most feared among the drug enforcers.
The active US military members arrested had promised the undercover agents they were dealing with they could provide military equipment and their positions as active military members made it easy for them. They offered to become a hit team for eh Zetas.
Many gang members are also signing on with the Zetas mainly for the military training and weapons they receive and after training they go back to their gangs and operate on the streets of our cities.
This case is especially relevant in light of the Federal Bureau of Investigations recent warnings that the US military has a “Significant criminal threat” from gangs within its ranks. In the 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment released in October, the FBI names some 50 criminal organizations that count both current and former ex-solders among their members. The danger, for not only the US but other countries, is if the criminal street gangs receive military training and weapons the level of violence in our cities will increase and we will see more openings for terrorist infiltration and recruitment.
Over the last three years with the current administration we have seen a destruction of preventive tools, American resolve and commitment to fighting crime and the attempt to change the way the world views us. In fact the criminal and terrorist no longer fear us. November is the time to change that. Get involved.
Until next time be safe: Phil Little